Composed of guild members interested in all types of weaving, in sharing information about weaving with each other and in challenging each other to learn new weaving skills.
Meetings are regularly held the second Tuesday of the month, starting at 9:30AM and locations rotate among members' homes.
Any guild member, regardless of skill level, is welcome to attend a study group meeting; please RSVP to the Guild Contact: Heart of Colorado Fiberarts Guild
2024 Weaving Challenge: Weave 4 Napkins to Exchange
Nine weavers participated in this year's challenge. Each wove 4 napkins and packaged them in anonymous wrapping. At our December meeting, the nine weavers picked a number and then chose a bag of napkins in that order. The exchange was a lot of fun, but consensus is - let's not weave napkins again!
Marjie chose napkins made by Cheryl. Ruthann picked Marjie's napkins. Karen chose napkins made by Mara. And Jane (choosing for Robin) picked napkins by Sandee.
Rita picked Ruthann's napkins and Mara chose napkins made by Karen.
Cheryl holding napkin made by Rita. Sandee chose Robin's napkins.
2023 Weaving Challenge: Weave a Wall Hanging
2022 Weaving Challenge: 2 or 4 shaft pattern exchange
Each person will bring a weaving draft in a sealed envelope for a 2 shaft or 4 shaft loom. We're planning to put them in separate piles so that those with a rigid heddle loom can pick a 2 shaft pattern and the others will pick a 4 shaft. Each of us will weave something using the draft you picked ... no specification as to what must be woven (i.e it could be 4" x 4" or a huge wall hanging), the colors used and it must have an embellishment (i.e ranging from a single thing, say a button, or more). Bring your drafts to the weavers' group meeting in January.
2021 Weaving Challenge: Stash Weave It and Wear It -- other than a scarf.
The materials used should come from your stash unless you don't have one ... in that case, be inventive and come up with another source of fiber, preferably not bought for this project. And since we've all woven scarves, make something different.
May 2020 Weaving Challenge: Weave a Tartan.
May 2019 Weaving Challenge: Make a Bag.
May 2018 Weaving Challenge: Weave something using a block weave structure.
May 2017 Weaving Challenge: Weave a project using clasped weave.
May 2016 Weaving Challenge: A wall hanging. The Weaving Study Group began the challenge of creating a wall hanging six months ago. The group decided on the parameters: we would all use the same fiber (5/2 cotton) and colors (red, white and black) and we would each weave a finished piece at least 12" x 12". The weave structure and design were chosen by each individual weaver. The completed squares were collected at the May 10th meeting and were assembled by member Sandee Jaastad in time to be displayed at the Colorado Weaver's Day in Colorado Springs May 21, 2016. We are very pleased with the results.
2015 Weaving Challenge
Each member received 5/2 cotton in natural and soldier blue and were to weave a table runner. Weavers could choose to add one additional color.